RISC-V multi-core processors with vector extension certified for ISO 26262 ASIL D ready

  • Off-loading heavy calculations from microcontrollers
  • MIMD-based embedded vector processor
  • Certificated standards for automotive functional safety, ISO26262 ASIL D Ready


Off-loading heavy calculations from microcontrollers

The DR1000C is a parallel processor IP that is ideal for offloading high-load arithmetic processing (model predictive control, AI inference, sensor processing, etc.) required by microcontroller targeted for safety critical systems. Up to 16 hardware threads efficiently utilize a vector processor, thereby achieving extremely high power performance. Not only is the DR1000C suitable for vehicle control, but it also can be used for various embedded applications such as industrial equipment for factory automation and RADAR and other sensor processing.


MIMD-based embedded vector processor

The basic components of DR1000C are Scalar Processor Unit(SPU), Vector Processor Unit (VPU), and Control Core Unit (CCU). SPU is RISC-V 32bit (RV32I) processor and has 4 hardware threading, and DR1000C has 4 SPUs which active independently and create multi threading up to 16. VPU has 512bits vector processing unit based on RISC-V vector extension. SPUs create Multiple-Instruction and VPU creates Multiple-Data, these mean “MIMD”. CCU schedules SPUs tasks. DR1000C is processor subsystem IP including Timer, Interrupt Controller, DTU(Data Transfer Unit) and so on.



Certificated standards for automotive functional safety, ISO26262 ASIL D Ready

The DR1000C has integrated hardware safety features including error correction code (ECC) for memories, dual-core lockstep architecture, bus protocol violations detection, and an error management unit that injects errors for self-diagnosis, reports errors to the host system, and manages their statuses. These features enable this processor to meet ASIL D safety requirements without the need to add any external special safety mechanism. Two safety mechanisms (hardware checker and software test) are available for the main part of DR1000C – vector processing unit. User can chose these mechanisms according to the performance requirements of the application as well as the target ASIL. It makes DR1000C possible to support all kinds of use cases. ASIL D random hardware fault detection requirements can be met by hardware checker which has lockstep architecture. Furthermore, ASIL C requirements can be met by upcoming software test libraries. In the latter case, the computational power of the vector processing unit can be exploited to the fullest.

The ASIL D-compliant DR1000C-SDK (Software Development Kit) under development provides secure and accurate thread control as well as memory protection and temporal protection features. By utilizing these features and the ISO 26262-compliant tool chain, the user can focus on application development, potentially leading to a shorter development time. The thread control software included in the SDK has a variety of features necessary for a safety critical system, such as priority execution of real-time tasks and thread execution monitoring.

The DR1000C-HSK (Hardware Safety Kit) provides Failure Modes Effects and Diagnostics Analysis (FMEDA), a safety manual, safety case reports, and ISO 26262-related documentation. It reduces the amount of time required to analyze the functional safety of an automotive microcontroller as well as to achieve its certification. The DR1000C is developed based on the ISO 9001 quality management system and satisfies strict automotive quality requirements.


Download the User Manual.